How can i make shitloads of money

How can i make shitloads of money

By: mind_user On: 27.05.2017

I found the missing piece of the new paradigm this past weekend in the basement conference ballroom of the World Future Summit. Ramez Naam was giving a talk on the slides below. His data was so good, I had tears in my eyes, my brain full of positive visions of the future and then his world collided with mine. Jump to slide The Bug in the Software: Our Market System can't effectively deal with Externalities. Our market system is very good, but it's limited to the things than can express itself in the current language of the market system.

The big problems we need to solve don't fit into our existing market system.

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The language of the market system is money, currency, transactions. We need a way to turn our shifting values into an input to our market system.

That input is a currency, something than can be transacted, tracked, traded, bought and sold. And this is why banks and the financial industry needs to embrace, encourage, build and extend into the realm of alternate currencies. Here's where we'll jump to my presentation on the Future of Alternate Currencies and Transactions, slide 9, where I talk about Bitcoin and Ven. The point I hear everyone missing when talking about new currencies are the additional VALUES encoded in the Gestielle cedola forex opportunity usd of these new currencies.

Companies are revolutionizing these activities. ProBono and Gift Economy are not tracked on any balance sheet because they can not be expressed in the current market economy language.

When Naam talks about a Carbon tax, why not make it a carbon currency? No one likes taxes, but people love currency: Wouldn't you love to trade, earn, sell carbon currency? Let's put the values we care about into a metaphor the market can utilize: There's lots more money to be made with many currencies than with fewer. Wouldn't like you to have more opportunities to make buckets of money?

If you do, consider embracing alternate currencies. Make more streams for the money to flow. We're certainly exploring similar domains of value exchange, proxies and systems of transfer. I'd love to sync how can i make shitloads of money with you again at some point soon. Rand July 13, at The letters and numbers you entered did not match the image.

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how can i make shitloads of money

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Heather is all that and more. The Infinite Resource - Growing Prosperity While Reducing Impact on the Earth View more presentations from ramezn. The Future of Alternate Currency and Transactions View more presentations from heathervescent. Would love to talk. I guess I'll have to plan another Bay Area trip soon! Verify your Comment Previewing your Comment. This is only a preview.

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how can i make shitloads of money

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