Smartboard counting money games

Smartboard counting money games

By: berqt On: 21.07.2017

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Below are math activities by math strand. Follow your school's curriculum to meet the standards for your district.

Here are some suggestions for kindergarten, first grade, second grade, third grade, fourth grade, fifth grade and sixth grade. Our calendar math resources include classroom activity ideas, lesson plans, links to math games and free calendar worksheets and printables:. Our classifying and patterns math resources include classifying and pattern activity ideas, lesson plans, links to math games and free pattern worksheets and printables:. Our telling time math resources include clock activity ideas, lesson plans, links to clock games and free clock worksheets and telling time printables:.

Math - Interactive Sites for Smartboard Use – Grades K - 5 - Oak Street Elementary School - Plattsburgh City School District

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Graduation Flag Day Fathers Day Summer 4th of July Back to School. ADD, ADHD, Literacy, ESL, Special Ed, Bilingual Ed, Gifted, Health Ed, Early Childhood Education. An Educational Resource Site for Teachers and Homeschoolers. Elementary Teacher Math Resources Math Worksheets, Printable Activity Pages, Flash Cards, Lesson Ideas and Teaching Activities.

Elementary Math Activities and Lessons.

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Calendar Measurement Our calendar math resources include classroom activity ideas, lesson plans, links to math games and free calendar worksheets and printables: Calendar vocabulary worksheets Integrating literature - children's books that reinforce learning calendar time Know the days of the week and months best way to win money playing poker the year - days of the week worksheets and months of the year worksheets Link to interactive game - calendar activity Nursery rhymes using days of the week Nursery rhymes using months of the year Printable fpls stock market Toys that teach days of the week and months of the year Understand time orientation: Classifying and Patterns Our market forex resources currency exchange rate open and patterns math resources include classifying and pattern activity ideas, lesson plans, links to math games and free pattern worksheets and printables: Sort and classify objects by size, shape, color or amount Define a smartboard counting money games In a given set, indicate which item doesn't belong Recognize patterns and predict extensions.

Clocks and Telling Time Activities Our telling time math resources include clock activity ideas, lesson plans, links to clock games and free clock worksheets and telling time printables: Clock flash cards for the classroom - read a clock face to the hour, half hour, quarter hour, minute Clock vocabulary worksheets Links to interactive games - analog clock game, digital clock game, world clock - time conversions Integrating literature - children's books that reinforce learning time Sequencing by time: Geometry Activities Shapes Angles Flat and solid shapes Identify left and right Identify top, bottom, middle Identify and sort basic plane figures: Measurement Circles Compare weights of objects using a balance scale Compare U.

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Operations and Computations Subtraction Integrating literature - books that reinforce learning subtraction Subtraction flash cards for the classroom Subtraction worksheets - vocablulary activities and division practice Toys that teach subtraction Two digit subtraction worksheets Understand that subtraction problems can be written horizonally or vertically Write a subtraction equation to solve a basic word problem.

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Patterns Creating patterns lessons Integrating literature - children's books that reinforce patterns Recognizing patterns worksheets. Problem Solving and Equations Addition and subtraction mats practice creating equations using concrete objects Integrating literature - children's books that reinforce problem solving and equations Practice writing equations Word problem worksheets.

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